Embrace and Expand your inner Divine Darkness - Kirasuishou

Friday, July 31, 2009

Crismon Roses

**Short Poem made by a Close Friend Named Jamie, _AKA_ Whisper and Breathe**

Crimson roses Crimson roses are like that of childish play, with dips and
swishes of every kind, lovely indulgent of you. Only wishing to touch the
midnight moon as I glare at your fair enlightened face that of which is as
as the snow-embedded ground you see. Charity i

Charity is only
enlightened by tainted tears, that of which is forgiven to parasitize
all human kind to enriched there enervating souls.

Quest without hesitation my dears, for gold is amongst thy bitter glory to soften it

with your delimit warmth of thy beating harts.

With thy quarry, do you see what reaches light? Golden like strand enamors with

silver to bring, that which seems to be the heavens sky.

These feathers of mine are to be hold by thy manger to wish upon thee. Facade, these worlds only seen by the light of that of which the quarry howls to in

thy mist that brings its waning centering in its eye, you are my moon light.

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Monday, July 20, 2009

What is Spiritual Vampirism?

For anyone who knows what Vampires are and what they do, will grasp this very quickly. Spiritual Vampirism is simple, a being that instead of draining blood from another creature will drain energy. This process in no way harms the victim, it only empowers the Predator (Being the Vampire). This can be a simple thing or a way of life depending on how the vampire came too be, desires and other things of that nature. One example is the bear, normally the bear won't eat a human and will stick to what it normally eats. But if starved it will consume what is avaliable. If a mortal is in it's path, well say bye to that person's life. The bear then will have a taste of mortal flesh and often prefer it.

Since humans are animals as well, the same applies to us. A starving human will normally eat whatever he or she finds. If starving and one drains another human the same can happen, just as with the bear. It will become like second nature, eventually the person will be able to drain through shear willpower. Be Careful though as it can become addiciting.


Later I will explain a few methods on how to suck energy away from others.
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Saturday, July 11, 2009

Which Geass would you have? R2


You'r geass is to give orders to people through ur eye.You are very smart and u want to gain power.Nevertheless, you r very bossy and that's not to nice people around u... YOU: WHATTA HELL R U TALKING ABOUT!!!!GO RIGHT NOW TO KITCHEN AND PERPARE SOMETHING TO EAT!!!!!
Good and interesting Quiz. The anwsers aren't as obivious for your character either. All Code Geass fans would enjoy.
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Friday, July 3, 2009

Love And Hate

Here is a very informational piece of work on the concept of Love and Hate. It also explains the cruel and sick ways that Chirstianity deals with such emotions that ultimately lead to Self Destruction. The info below should prove invaulable to anyone under the Influence of such beliefs and also to the average individual.

Below is an excerpt from "The White Man's Bible" by Ben Klassen. This small article reveals a lot about "love" and "hate" and should be most helpful in straightening out peoples' thinking and beliefs on these matters:


Both Healthy, Normal Emotions. There is no subject about which more hypocrisy is displayed than the subject of hate. We CREATORS take the position that love and hate go together as two sides of the same coin, and that every normal person in order to function properly and realistically meet life’s problems must have the capability to feel and exercise both emotions.

We believe that to suppress the emotion of hate towards your enemies is as abnormal as to be unable to love your wife, your children, your race and those near and dear to you. Every normal person loves and hates, and anyone devoid of either emotion is mentally sick.

Christian Hypocrisy Extreme.
In no group is this hypocrisy more evident than in the Christian teaching, and in no teaching are these two basic emotions more perverted than inChristianity. Whereas Christianity puts on a great charade of love, that it is a religion of love, a religion of tolerance, we find in its teachings and its practice something else again.

Christianity Brutal to its Enemies.
Probably in no religion was the demented obsession to persecute, torture and destroy those who would not knuckle under more fanatic than in thehistory of the Christian religion in its ruthless warfare to convert, subjugate and/or stamp out any and all remnants and vestiges of all other religions. We have already enlarged upon this in our chapter “Thumbscrew and Rack.”

Constantine Arch Example.
Christianity received its biggest boost when in the fourth century C.E. the Roman Emperor Constantine embraced Christianity. He was a strange andmost cruel man. By any standard, he was an insane criminal. In order to become Emperor he murdered his rivals, since he himself had no legitimate claim to the throne. After he became Emperor, he murdered thousands more in cold blood, including his wife and his own son.

Intrusion of Oriental Religions.
By the time Constantine became Emperor in 313 A.D., the Roman Empire was a multi-racial, polyglot empire, embracing many peoples and many religions. One of the outstanding original characteristics of the Roman Empire had been its genius for organization and its ability to assimilate a multitude of different cultures, races and religions. Whereas it imposed its Roman law up to a point, it was extremely tolerant in allowing the conquered peoples to retain their customs and practice their own religions. Rome itself was infested with a wide variety of religions. Its own set of state gods and goddesses— Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Neptune— were actually adaptations from the Greeks. By the time of Constantine these gods were becoming somewhat jaded, and many mystic Oriental religions were beginning to make serious inroads.

Christians Defied Authority.
Two of such Oriental rivals were Mithraism and Christianity, with Mithraism leading, especially among the soldiers. As we stated before, the Romans for centuries had been extremely tolerant toward all religions. There is no truth that Christians were sought out and persecuted by the authorities for practising their religion. It was only when they violated the state law that they were prosecuted for breaking the law, just as any other criminal.It was their constant defiance of authority that brought Christians into conflict with authorities, not their religion. Even this was highly exaggerated by later Christians who ultimately became the sole renderers of history by having exterminated their rivals.

Christianity Ruthlessly Destroyed its Rivals.
Suffice it to say that when Constantine officially adopted Christianity, this cruel, murderous tyrant made Christianity the sole state religion to the exclusion of all others. When Christianity got the upper hand with the support of the military power of the Emperor to back it up, it immediately showed its ugly claws. No longer was love and tolerance the practice. It immediately set out to destroy and stamp out any and all rivals with treacherous cruelty and iron determination.

Branded Honest Differences as Heretics.
This intolerance, cruelty and determination to stamp out its rivals lasted for the next 1500 years and is still practiced in some of the backwardcountries where Catholicism has exclusive domain. During the Middle Ages, better described as the Dark Ages, when Christian fanaticism ran rampant, not only did the Church persecute unto death any rival religion, but it cruelly ferreted out its own members for burning and torture, should anyone deviate in the slightest from the official line. So severe was the suppression of free thought and speech, that during the Inquisition, which lasted many centuries, hundreds of thousands were burnt at the stake. Many millions more were tortured by thumb-screw and rack, or left to rot and die in filthy prisons. Their crime? They were “heretics,” believing inChristianity, but disagreeing with the church authorities on some minor hair-splitting issue.

Christians Fanatic in their Hate.
So much for Christian “love” and “tolerance.” I believe we have shown that of all religions, none was more fanatic in its hate than Christians, excepting the Jews, Christianity’s inventors. We have already examined their revolting means of torture more fully in a previous chapter. We have made it clear that contrary their hypocritical claims, Christians and Christianity itself practiced hatred, torture and intolerance, not only on their enemies, but also on their own members. In this chapter we want to make overwhelmingly clear the basic differences in the attitudes towards love and hate between Christianity and the CHURCH OF THE CREATOR.

We only Hate our Enemies.
That basic difference is this: Christianity tells you to hate thosewho are near and dear to you, and to love your enemies. CREATIVITY says just the opposite: “hate your enemies and love and protect those that are near and dear to you— your family, your friends, your own race. CREATIVITY also teaches to love yourself. You cannot love others if you, yourself feel unworthy and unimportant. We believe our teaching of loving your own kind and hating your enemies makes a hell of a lot more sense than loving your enemies and hating yourself and your own kind.

Christians told to Hate their Friends.
In Luke 14:26 Christ purportedly gave this insane and hateful advice: “If any man come to me and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, andchildren, and brethren and sister, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.” Can you think of anything more idiotic? Anything more hateful? Yet in Matthew 5:44 he admonishes “But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you and pray for them that spitefully use you and persecute you.” How stupid can you get? We CREATORS reject in toto such insane and suicidal advice and are determined to teach just the opposite.

Great Energizers.
In combination, love and hate are the greatest energizers in the world. Itis like the dynamics of an electric motor where you have two opposite magnetic polarities required, (namely, the North and South poles) which in combination create a push-pull effect. It is this attraction and repulsion of the two polarities that make the motor spin and produce power.

So it is with love and hate. You can’t hate something unless it is a threat to something you love, and you can’t protect that something you love unless you are aroused to hate and anger towards that threat. How many times in your own life were things simply at a standstill, and it wasn’t until you got “mad” (at yourself, or others) that the fur began to fly and things finally got done?

Love Your Own Kind.
We must develop those characteristics that are already imbedded in its healthy instincts for survival— love for our own great people, and hate for our enemies, the Jews. Until and unless we harness this gigantic energy for our own best interests we will never extricate ourselves from the Jewish stranglehold in which we now shamefully find ourselves.

Protect Your Own, Destroy Your Enemies.
In summary, we believe in following the Laws of Nature as are manifested in our good healthy instincts: to love our own kind, protect them from our enemies. In short, to promote the survival, expansion and advancement of our Race. Secondly, to hate and destroy our enemies in order that they will not overrun and destroy us. We believe the idea of loving your enemies as set forth in the Sermon on the Mount is one of the most dangerous and suicidal ideas ever uttered in speech or writing. It is utterly insane. It is as suicidal as de-toothing and de-clawing a tiger, then throwing him back in the jungle to fend for himself. Defenseless, such a tiger would soon die.

Expunge Suicidal Ideas.
Similarly, encumbered with such a suicidal idea as loving your enemies, we must always remember that such suicidal advice was given us by our treacherous enemies, the Jews, in order to destroy us.

We go back to the basic Laws of Nature: Take Care of Your Own, Loveyour Own. Hate your Enemies, Destroy your Enemies. The Law of Survival of your own kind is the Highest Law of Nature and Transcends All Others. Let us never forget this.
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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Extreme About Me and Playlist Edit

I do Practice Meditation and Day Dream quite frequently I also have been think on myself lately and do to these I have discovered a liitle bit more about myself, and will dracistly change the About Me section on this Website, don't know if anyone actually cares though.

Former Version:
Favorite Colors: Black, Dark Violet, Blood Red, and Bright White. I love the traditional ways of Victorian Gothic with Corsets, Lace, Velvets, Parasols, etc. My Favorite style of fashion is Gothic lolita but I also enjoy Sweet lolita, though I would only wear Gothic Lolita.I am in fact a Male that wishes I was a Female. My Mind vibrates on a frequency that equals that of a women. I guess you can say that I was born with a male body but a female state of mind. If that is a problem for you, keep the comments about it to yourself. Yes I am a Heterosexual Male. I prefer Woman over Man.I am not a fan of Light or the Sun unless it involves my own soul, My Room is actually Pitch-Black 24-7. The Window is actually covered by multiple things, no light gets through. I also carry a umbrella/parasol to block the Sun. This doesn't mean I'm never in the Light, just mostly in Darkness. I find being in dark places with little lightin to be very relaxing.

I have found out that it wasn't the fact that I wanted to be a female I just wanted too be a beauitful person instead of a handsome one. I have been paying close attention too color latetly as well.

Edited Version:
My Favorite Colors are: Black, Dark Violet, Dark Pink, and Bright White. I love the traditional ways of Victorian Gothic with Corsets, Lace, Velvets, Parasols, etc. My Favorite style of fashion is Gothic lolita. I also enjoy Sweet lolita, though I would only wear Goth Lolita.I am in fact a Male Cross Dresser. Though I do not go as far as women's underwear, I do enjoy feeling like I am a beautiful person and often wear stockings, Lacey gloves, Black makeup, violet nail polish, etc. I am a huge fan of goth women's accessories. My Mind vibrates on a frequency that equals that of a women. I guess you can say that I was born with a male body but a female state of mind. If that is a problem for you, keep the comments about it to yourself. Yes I am a Heterosexual Male. I prefer Woman over Man.I am not a fan of Light or the Sun unless it involves my own soul, My Room is actually Pitch-Black 24-7. The Window is actually covered by multiple things, no light gets through. This doesn't mean I'm never in the Light, just mostly in Darkness. I find being in dark places with little lightin to be very relaxing .I do enjoy opening the window during cloudy and/or rainy days and also often like too take walks on such occasions.I also carry a umbrella/parasol to block the Sun and of course the Rain. Music taste varies greatly ranging from Japanese Pop music to Brutal Black Metal.

The Playlist will also go through dracist changes of new Artist and different songs from already added bands and of course play order and I do hope anyone who vistes here will find something to there liking.
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Monday, June 22, 2009

Alibat Game Download (Rozen Maiden)

Recently I’ve been playing this game Alibat. Alibat stands for Alice Battle and is a doujin 3-D fighting game involving characters from Rozen Maiden. Having it as one of my favorite animes, I simply could not let this game pass by.

Perhaps the best thing about this game is that you get to fight alongside your favorite doll from Rozen Maiden (If your good with them). Furthermore, the dolls all have unique attacks and these attacks remind me of their counterparts from the series. For example, Suigintou can shoot feathers and Shinku can shoot petals. This certainly was rather a surprise. Another neat feature is that both the doll and the medium (you) will level up as you battle. While I am not sure exactly what the levels do , they certainly add a sense of purpose to the endless battles

I think the Medium level stands for Attack Power while
The Doll Level stands for Defence. ( I am not 100% sure on these)

All the dolls are included, and yes, that includes Kirakishou (who’s actually pretty fun to play with) and even Detective Kun Kun.
The game play of Alibat is rather simple. Pick up the briefcases scattered all over the field and use the attacks they give you to attack the other doll, while being mindful of your opponent’s attacks. The briefcases will give different types of attacks, so remember what they are. For instance, W sends a wave across the screen while S gives out a short ranged sword swing.
enter= select
backspace = exit
z= attack
x= dash
c= jump
p= alternate costume select (my personal favorite)

I had to dig around somewhat to finally get Alibat and get the game to work, so I’ve decided to upload them all in one place and make it easier on people.
AliBAT v. 1.5 (.iso): download
Batch: download
Follow these instructions first for the simplest installation:
Download Alibat v1.5 in the link. It is a .iso file. Mount the .iso file using Daemon tools, Install the game.(If you don’t want to use Daemon tools or do not want to mount it, I have a .rar version that you can just extract with 7-Zip or WinRAR.AliBAT v. 1.5 (.rar): downloadWith this, just extract the file and locate install.exe in the extracted folder. Double click on it to install.)
In Windows XP: Open the Control Panel. Double click on the Regional and Language Options icon to open the Regional and Language Options dialog box.
In the Regional Options tab, Standards and formats, on the dropdown list, select Japanese.
That’s it. No patches. No cracks. No applocale or SBapplocale.
MAKE SURE YOU INSTALL EAST ASIAN OR JAPANESE FONTS. I’m guessing you already know how to do that.Changing to a Japanese environment or Japanese locale is NOT NECESSARY.
Note: your computer language settings need to be correct. (Japanese)

If the game does not work, that means your computer is not set to Japanese languages.
Or Download the Batch file (I got this info else so I don't know how this works either)
Chris’s all in one fix! This is now the recommended method!
“1-install the game
2-copy the -SBAppLocale- and -Data1- and -ALiBAT.sav- and -Start- to C:\Program Files\PROJECT YNP\ALiBAT Ver1.5
3-and now on if you want play the game use the Start you can Rename if you want
4- then go to C:\Program Files\PROJECT YNP\ALiBAT Ver1.5 copy the Start
5- your Desktop and Rename to ALiBAT Ver1.5 then play it

Drop a comment if you liked it.
My Favorite Doll to play with is Dark Shinku (Shinku's alternate costume)
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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

First Post.

For My First Post I thought, I would do something simple and took a Character Quiz on one of my favorite anime shows, Rozen Maiden. I do encourage that anyone that likes Rozen maiden should take this quiz. Link:http://www.quizilla.com/quizzes/231668/which-rozen-maiden-doll-are-you-picture-results
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